Volume : III, Issue : IV, April - 2014

A Comparative Study on Managerial Styles Among The Women Executives in The Private and Public Sector in Chennai

Dr. Krishnapriya V, V. Balameenapriya

Abstract :

In today’s fast moving and global trade, executives are willing to abandon traditional ways of making business to new and enhanced skills in order to be successful in this competitive world. These challenges create an important role for an executive in their organization. It requires more efficiency of progressing knowledgeable forces to conduct the business in the new way. Thus it requires planning, power, and control, organizing capabilities, management guidance…etc which lies in the hands of executive. The executive must select an appropriate style of the management to do the above mentioned activities in a successful manner. This study is dealt with analyzing the managerial style of the women executives in the private and public sector

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Dr. Krishnapriya V, V.Balameenapriya A Comparative Study on Managerial Styles Among The Women Executives in The Private and Public Sector in Chennai International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue. IV Apr 2014

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