Volume : II, Issue : XII, December - 2013

A Comparative Study on Fluid Loss Among Male Swimmers During Land and Water Workouts

Mr. Pankaj Pandey, Mr. Manoj Sahu

Abstract :

The aim of the study was to investigate the patterns of fluid loss among athletes during land and water workouts. The participants of the study were seven male swimmers with age ranging from 17 to 23 years, of swimming match practice group of Lakshmibai national university of physical education, Gwalior were selected as subjects for the study. They were given two same treatments i.e. 12 minutes swimming and 12 minutes running on land. The treatments were given on two separate days with gap of 48 hours under identical conditions. The temperature remained between 25-30°c for all experiments. The body weight of the subjects was taken in the beginning and at the end of each treatment. The significance of the fluid loss among the group was analyzed by the independent’t’ test. The level of significance chosen was .o5 level. The ‘p’ value so obtained was found to have significant difference at 0.05 level of significance in the amount of body fluid loss among athletes during land and water Workouts(p<0.05).over all it was found that athlete loss more fluid at land in comparison of water workout.

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Mr. Pankaj Pandey, Mr.Manoj Sahu A Comparative Study on Fluid Loss Among Male Swimmers During Land and Water Workouts International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.XII December 2013

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