Volume : II, Issue : IV, April - 2013

A Comparative Study of Poor Achievement in Physics At The Higher Secondary Level with Respect to Secondary Level in Birbhum District

Dr. Biswajit Sen, Dr. Nityagopal Mondal, Dr. Birbal Saha

Abstract :

The study was conducted to bestow some information and causes about the poor achievement in physics at Higher Secondary level with respect to science group at Secondary level in Birbhum District, West Bengal. Data was collected of 60 students from two Higher Secondary schools and opinion of the same 60 students’ and 10 science teachers.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Dr. Biswajit Sen,Dr. Nityagopal Mondal,Dr. Birbal Saha A Comparative Study of Poor Achievement in Physics At The Higher Secondary Level with Respect to Secondary Level in Birbhum District International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.IV April 2013

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