Volume : III, Issue : VI, June - 2014

A Comparative Study of Placenta in Normal and Pregnancy Induced Hypertension

Mr. Prakash Manae, Dr. Nazmeen Silotry, Dr. Aruna Mukherjee, Mr. Kishwor Bhandari, Mrs. Sanju Acharya

Abstract :

Placenta is derived from two separate individuals, the mother and the foetus. The growth of the foetus is intricately linked with that of placenta because of transfer of nutrients and oxygen through placenta. Pregnancy induced hypertension is a common pathological condition related to pregnancy. The objective was to assess the morphology of placenta in normotensive and hypertensive pregnancies and to compare them. A total of fifty placentae were collected from Department of Gynecology MGM Hospital, CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai. Out of fifty placentae, twenty five were from PIH group and remaining twenty five were from normal group. The placental shape, size, diameter, area, thickness, weight, volume, number of cotyledons and weight of the foetus were compared between PIH and normal group. Most of the evaluated parameters were decrease in PIH group than in normal group. There were no any differences in the shape of the placentae between the two groups. The adverse effects of hypertension in pregnancy are reflected on placenta as well as on the foetus.

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Mr. Prakash Manae, Dr. Nazmeen Silotry, Dr. Aruna Mukherjee, Mr. Kishwor Bhandari, Mrs. Sanju Acharya A Comparative Study of Placenta in Normal and Pregnancy Induced Hypertension International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue.VI June 2014

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