Volume : III, Issue : II, February - 2014

A Comparative Study of Fetal Weight Estimation Using Ultrasound and Johnson’s Formula and its Correlation with Actual Birth Weight

Dr. Kavitha. B, Dr. G. C. Prabhakar, Dr. Shaivalini. K, Dr. Suprada. K

Abstract :

Introduction: During the last two decades, estimated fetal weight has been incorporated into the standard routine antepartum evaluation of high risk pregnancies and deliveries. A fetus or newborn infant whose weight is appreciably above or below normal is at increased risk of physical and intellectual impairment .Objectives: To estimate sensitivity and specificity of birth weight determined by ultrasound and by Johnson’s formula with actual birth weight in birth weight estimation. MATERIALS AND METHODS : A prospective comparative study was conducted on 180 women booked at Mamata General Hospital,khammam between 38-40 weeks of gestation and in early labour in the same gestational period in whom ultrasound was done during last one week before delivery ; the ultrasound and Johnson’s formula were correlated .RESULTS : Compå both the methods, ultrasound was found to be more accurate in the range of 2500-3500g. The sensitivity and specificity , positive predictive value, negative predictive value of Johnson’s formula in the present study were 86.4%,59.3%,90.7%,48.7% respectively and ultrasound estimation of fetal weight were 93.1%, 71.8%,93.9%,71.8%.in all aspects ultrasound was superior to clinical method of fetal weight estimation. CONCLUSION : Ultrasound estimation of fetal weight is better reliable method than Johnson’s formula wherever facilities are available. It can be used in eech and other malpresentations where Johnson’s formula cannot be applied. It has high sensitivity and specificity to estimate fetal weight and correlates significantly with actual birth weight.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Dr.Kavitha.b, Dr.G.C.Prabhakar, Dr. Shaivalini.k, Dr.Suprada.k A Comparative Study of Fetal Weight Estimation Using Ultrasound and Johnson’s Formula and its Correlation with Actual Birth Weight International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue.II February 2014

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