Volume : IV, Issue : III, March - 2015

A comparative evaluation of volumetric analysis during Lateral condensation technique, Gutta flow technique and Thermoplasticized technique (System B and Thermafil) using spiral computed tomography: In–Vitro study.

Dr. Akanksha Bhatt, Dr. B. Rajkumar, Dr. Vishesh Gupta, Dr. Vipul Srivastava

Abstract :

To seal the root canal system, the filling material must adapt to all portions of the root canal.Recently spiral computed tomography has given new hope in the field of endodontics.This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of lateral condensation, Gutta flow, System B and Thermafil technique by calculating the percentage of obturated volume after root canal obturation.40 upper central incisors were selected and randomly divided into 4 experimental groups of 10 teeth each on the basis of obturation technique used.After the access preparation and chemo–mechanical preparation, a pre–operative Spiral CT scan was done.The root canals of all the group samples were then coated with AH plus sealer and obturation was performed using 4 different techniques.The post obturation spiral computed tomography was carried out.Observations were laid down and statistical analysis were performed.Volume of voids was found to be maximum in Lateral condensation followed by Gutta flow ,System B and Thermafil techniques.

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Akanksha Bhatt,B.Rajkumar,Vishesh Gupta, Vipul Srivastava A Comparative Evaluation of Volumetric Analysis During Lateral Condensation Technique, Gutta Flow Technique and Thermoplasticized Technique (System B And Thermafil) Using Spiral Computed Tomography: an in-Vitro Study International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 3 March 2015

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