Volume : VI, Issue : V, May - 2017

A Comparative Evaluation Of The Efficacy Of Subgingivally Delivered Xanthan Based Chlorhexidine Gel In The Treatment Of Chronic Periodontitis

Dr. Niraj Chaudhari, Dr. Saurabh Patil, Dr. P. S. Rakhewar, Dr. S. S. Doiphode

Abstract :

 The traditional therapy consisting of mechanical deidement may fail to eliminate the pathogenic bacteria because of their location within the gingival tissues or in other area inaccessible to periodontal instruments. This may lead to recurrence of periodontal inflammation. Systemic treatment with oad spectrum antibiotics has often been used as an adjunct to conventional treatment. To obtain an effective concentration of the antimicrobial drug in the periodontal pocket after systemic administration, repeated intakes over a prolonged period of time are required. Hence an attempt is made to study the effect of local delivery of these agents in periodontal pockets.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Dr. Niraj Chaudhari, Dr. Saurabh Patil, Dr. P.S.Rakhewar, Dr. S.S.Doiphode, A Comparative Evaluation Of The Efficacy Of Subgingivally Delivered Xanthan Based Chlorhexidine Gel In The Treatment Of Chronic Periodontitis, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : VOLUME-6 | Issue‾5 | May‾2017

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