Volume : II, Issue : IV, April - 2013

A Comparative Analysis of Liquidity and Leverage position of selected Cement Units

Nilesh J. Lakhtaria

Abstract :

The Cement Industry is one of the largest industries of the world and occupies predominant place as one of the basic industries for development and its employment generation capacity. Here the researcher would like to evaluate the liquidity and Leverage position of Jaypee Cement Co Ltd and Sanghi Cement Ltd , for this the related ratios like Current Ratio and Quick Ratio are calculated and studied to know the ability to meet its current obligation of both units and for Solvency position say Leverage ratios like Debt-Equity Ratio and Debt- Service Ratio are calculated to know the portion of debt funds with equity Fund in the capital structure of both units with the capacity of service of their debt funds

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Nilesh J. Lakhtaria A Comparative Analysis of Liquidity and Leverage position of selected Cement Units International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.IV April 2013

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