Volume : IV, Issue : II, February - 2015

A Community based Cross sectional study for prediction of cardiovascular event using non laboratory based risk score.

Revathi Sathiyothan R

Abstract :

In developing countries like India the focus for long time has been on the control of communicable diseases. As there is health transition i.e., shift in trend from Communicable diseases to Non communicable diseases the present study is conducted with the Objective:To predict 10 year risk of cardiovascular events of adults aged 40 years and above in an urban area in Tamilnadu using a nonlaboratory based risk score. Methodology : This cross sectional study carried out in an urban area , among adults of age 40 years and above. The total study participants of 578 were chosen by multistage random sampling technique. The data was entered using epidata and analysis was done with SPSS. Results : Among the 578 study subjects, 516(89.3%) individuals have <10% risk, 50(8.65%) individuals have 10-20% risk , 7(1.2%) of individuals have 20%-30% risk and 5(0.85%) of individuals have >40% risk of developing cardiovascular event.

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Revathi sathiyothan R A Community based Cross sectional study for prediction of cardiovascular event using non laboratory based risk score. International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 2 February 2015

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