Volume : III, Issue : IV, April - 2014

A Clinicopathological Study of Solitary Nodule of Thyroid

Dr K G Sudarshan Babu, Dr Lakshmi Shantharam

Abstract :


Nodular goiter is a common endocrine problem in the world today. The primary aim of investigating a thyroid nodule is to look for the possibility of malignant transformation. The objective of the study was to understand the usefulness of FNAC as a diagnostic tool in the evaluation of Solitary nodule of thyroid.

Materials and methods:

Prospective analysis of 50 cases of solitary nodule of thyroid was done. FNAC of the nodule was compared with histopathological examination.


All cases that were benign on FNAC showed benign features on histopathology also, except in one case, which was a papillary carcinoma. FNAC was significantly associated with histopathology.


FNAC is an invaluable tool for pre-operative assessment of thyroid lesions, but malignancy can still come as a surprise on postoperative histopathologiocal examination.

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Dr K G Sudarshan Babu, Dr Lakshmi Shantharam A Clinicopathological Study of Solitary Nodule of Thyroid International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue. IV Apr 2014

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