Volume : II, Issue : VI, June - 2013

A Clinico–Bacteriological Study of Pyoderma with Special Reference to Antibiotic Sensitivity to Newer Antibiotics in Tertiary Care Rural Hospital

Dr Sanjiv V Choudhary, Dr Shaunak Patel, Dr Kritika Singhal

Abstract :

Out of 93 patients, 55 (59.1%) patients were diagnosed as primary pyoderma while 38 (40.9%) of them were of secondary pyoderma. Among primary pyoderma, furuncle was diagnosed in maximum of 27(49.09%) patients and maximum patients 14 (36.84%) among seconday pyoderma had eczema. In primary pyoderma maximum growth of coagulase positive staphylococcus aureus (60%) was seen followed by coagulase negative staphylococcus aureus (9.09%) and (3.64%) each combination of streptococcus pyogenes + staphylococcus aureus and E. coli + pseudomonas. Highest sensitivity was seen for vancomycin & cloxacillin (100%) followed by amikacin (93.99%), while maximum resistance encountered with penicillin (96.97%) followed each by jmipenem and ciprofloxacin (54.55%). In secondary pyoderma maximum growth of coagulase positive staphylococcus aureus (52.66%) was seen followed by streptococcus pyogenes (10.53%).Highest sensitivity was seen for vancomycin (100%) followed by each of gentamycin and amikacin (50%) in coagulase +ve staph.aures and (100%) sensitivity was seen with gentamycin in streptococcus isolates , while maximum resistance was encountered with penicillin (80%) followed by erythromycin (70%). The most cost-effective drug with minimal resistance was cloxacillin for primary pyoderma. Gentamycin and amikacin was effective for secondary pyoderma. Penicillin has maximum resistance.

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Dr Sanjiv V Choudhary, Dr Shaunak Patel, Dr Kritika Singhal A Clinico-Bacteriological Study of Pyoderma with Special Reference to Antibiotic Sensitivity to Newer Antibiotics in Tertiary Care Rural Hospital International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 2, Issue : 6 June 2013

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