Volume : IV, Issue : VIII, August - 2015


Dr. K. Vani, Dr. Dudimani Reddy Prasad

Abstract :

Background : Perforation peritonitis is the most common surgical emergency in India. The spectrum of etiology of perforation in Tropical countries continues to be different from its Western counterpart. The objective of the study was to highlight the spectrum of perforation peritonitis managed in RIMS,Kadapa. Methods : A retrospective study was carried out between May 2012 and June 2015 in the department of Surgery, RIMS,Kadapa. It included 200 patients of perforation peritonitis (diffuse or localized) who were studied retrospectively in terms of cause, site of perforation, surgical treatment, complications, and mortality. Only those patients who underwent exploratory laparotomy for management of perforation peritonitis were included. Results : The commonest cause of perforation peritonitis included 98 cases of peptic ulcer disease (80 duodenal ulcers and 18 gastric ulcers) followed by appendicitis (34 cases), typhoid fever (24 cases), tuberculosis (20cases), and trauma (12). The overall mortality was 8%. Conclusions : Perforation peritonitis in India has a different spectrum as compared to the western countries. Peptic ulcer perforation, perforating appendicitis, typhoid, and tubercular perforations are the major causes of gastrointestinal perforations. Early surgical intervention under the cover of oad spectrum antibiotics preceded by adequate aggressive resuscitation and correction of electrolyte imbalances is imperative for good outcomes minimizing morbidity and mortality.

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DR. K. VANI, Dr. DUDIMANI REDDY PRASAD A Clinical Study of Perforation Peritonitis International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 8 August 2015

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