Volume : III, Issue : X, October - 2014

A case report: Twin pregnancy Patient with Tuberculosis

Dr. Ankita J. Patel, Dr. Vijay Bhola, Dr. Jayshree Narshetty, Dr. B. C. Boricha

Abstract :

Tuberculosis is an increasingly greater challenge for the obstetric care provider. Missing an active case of tuberculosis can be a lethal mistake for the care provider and the patient if the organism is resistant to several antibiotics. The effects of tuberculosis on pregnancy, and conversely, of pregnancy on the course of tuberculosis, have varied greatly throughout history. Current medical opinion holds that pregnancy and TB do not affect each other’s course, but that active tuberculosis has adverse obstetrical and neonatal outcomes.3 The clinician must weigh the risk of dissemination in neonate and mother (about 1 to 2% for the mother) vs the risk of adverse effects from the administration of medication. This case shows that a positive outcome for the neonates are possible with the use of medication.

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Dr. Ankita J. Patel, Dr. Vijay Bhola, Dr. Jayshree Narshetty, Dr. B.C. Boricha A case report: Twin pregnancy Patient with Tuberculosis International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 10 October 2014

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