Volume : II, Issue : II, February - 2013

A case Report on an Unusual Superficial Branch of the Brachial Artery

Dr. Sharadkumar Pralhad Sawant

Abstract :

During routine dissection for Ist MBBS students on 65 year old donated embalmed male cadaver in the Department of Anatomy, K.J.Somaiya Medical College, Sion, Mumbai, India, we observed an unusual superficial anch of the right achial artery. The achial artery terminated in the cubital fossa into radial and common interosseous arteries. The radial artery had normal course and anches. The common interosseous artery was deeper and gave anterior and posterior ulnar recurrent arteries, and terminated into anterior and posterior interosseous arteries. The unusual large anch from the achial artery was a variant of ulnar artery, arose from the lateral side of the achial artery, descended on the lateral side upto the cubital fossa and crossed the fossa from lateral to medial, superficial to median nerve. It then descended superficial to the muscles arising from medial epicondyle of the humerus and was covered by the deep fascia of the forearm, pierced the deep fascia proximal to the wrist, crossed the flexor retinaculum, and formed the superficial palmar arch. Throughout its course, this artery gave no anch. There were no associated altered anatomy of the nerves observed in the specimen. The variation was unilateral and the left upper limb of the same cadaver was normal. The photographs of the variations were taken for proper documentation and for ready reference. Conclusion: The knowledge of presence of the unusual origin of the ulnar artery from the achial artery in the axilla may be clinically important for clinicians, surgeons, orthopaedicians and radiologists performing angiographic studies. Undoubtedly, such variations are important for diagnostic evaluation and surgical management of vascular diseases and injuries

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Dr. Sharadkumar Pralhad Sawant A case Report on an Unusual Superficial Branch of the Brachial Artery International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.II February 2013

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