Volume : III, Issue : IX, September - 2014

A Case Report: Liver Abscess in 3 Year Child With No Pre–Existing Medical Illness

Dr Aakash Rathod, Dr Shashank Desai, Dr. Jaimin Shah

Abstract :

Although much is known about the pyogenic liver abscess, the gold standard of investigations and treatment is still debatable in developing countries in the paediatric population.Liver abscess in the paediatric age group is uncommon in developing countries, except in cases of septicemia, children with major debilitating diseases, granulocyte dysfunction, or immunosuppression. We report the case of a 3–year–old child from India, with no medical history, with abdominal pain in the right upper quadrant& pyrexia, tachycardia & tachypnoea. Ultrasound and CT scan showed a large,hypo dense, non–enhanced area in segment V& VII. Final diagnosis was pyogenic liver abscess based on negative serology, recent liver lesion, blood culture was negative. A percutaneous aspiration under anaesthesia was performed after 3 days of intra venous antibiotic treatment.Cultures of pus isolated E. Coli. She was started on oral antibiotics according to culture.Ultrasound showed a gradual decrease in size of cavity & complete resolution 9 months later. Even if liver abscess is uncommon in developing countries, the diagnosis must be raised in cases of isolated SOL in liver with fever. Management modality should be chosen depending on the abscess location and first day‘s progression between intra venous antibiotics, percutaneous aspiration, and exploratory surgery.

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Dr Aakash Rathod, Dr Shashank Desai A Case Report: Liver Abscess in 3 Year Child With No Pre-Existing Medical Illness International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 9 September 2014

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