Volume : VIII, Issue : III, March - 2019

A Case Report: Haemangioma Of Nasal Cavity

Dr Tapanjyot Nagpal, Dr Pranshuta Sehgal, Dr Sahil Kanwal Abrol

Abstract :

Hemangioma of nose is a benign rapidly growing lesion of the mucous memanes. It rarely presents as a mass that fills up the entire nasal cavity. It is although more common in females in the third decade of life. The capillary haemangioma usually involves the lips, tongue, gingiva and the buccal mucosa but nasal cavity is rare location for its occurrence. We have come across with a rare case of Haemangioma of Nasal Cavity in a 20–year–old male involving right ethmoid sinuses, osteomeatal complex extending into right frontal sinus and inferomedial aspect of right orbit displacing the eye globe. Right medial maxillectomy by Denker’s approach with right frontal sinus trephination was done successfully

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A CASE REPORT: HAEMANGIOMA OF NASAL CAVITY, Dr Tapanjyot Nagpal, Dr Pranshuta Sehgal, Dr Sahil Kanwal Abrol INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-3 | March-2019

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