Volume : VII, Issue : VII, July - 2018

A case of Penetrating head injury with foreign body impaction.

Dr. Anand Doshi, Dr. Ameya Sangle, Dr. Sameer Marediya

Abstract :

 Penetrating head injury is a potentially life–threatening condition. Penetrating head injuries with impacted object are rare. The patients with the

impacted foreign bodies rarely reach for surgery. Impacted object poses difficulties in the investigation and normal operating procedure. If the
impacted object is not removed carefully, it can cause further damage to the cereal tissue or may lead to vascular injury. Here we report on one
such case of a 55 year old lady, who presented to casualty with history of a wooden log falling over the head due to collapse of the ceiling with the
log penetrating and impacting in the skull. The patient was investigated and taken up for surgery where careful removal of the impacted foreign
body was done. The patient had uneventful recovery and was ambulant and showing signs of improvement when discharged. Patient then
presented with delayed meningitis after 3 weeks and was treated conservatively and was discharged. The significance of penetrating injuries to the
head depends largely on the circumstances of the injury, the velocity of impact, and attributes of the projectile. While most penetrating head injuries
are caused by firearms, lower–velocity mechanisms of penetrating ain injury present unique challenges for the multidisciplinary team involved
with the delivery of care. Appropriate management can lead to optimal outcomes and limit secondary ain injury.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Dr. Anand Doshi, Dr. Ameya Sangle, Dr. Sameer Marediya, A case of Penetrating head injury with foreign body impaction., INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-7 | July-2018

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