Volume : VIII, Issue : III, March - 2019

A Case Of Lupus Vulgaris in Alae Of Nose - Case Report

Dr. Shibina S, Dr. Firoz A Hakkim, Dr. Giridhar B H, Dr. Girisha B S

Abstract :

Lupus Vulgaris is a cutaneous manifestation of Tuberculosis (TB) in a previous sensitized host. The lesions are more commonly seen in buttocks and lower limbs in Indian patients , while western patients have it in the head and neck. Nasal involvement is seldom seen with the involvement of underlying cartilage. We report a case of lupus vulgaris in the Alae of Nose , without any nasal cartilage involvement. There was an erythematous plaque with scaling on the right side of the alae of the nose. A proper clinical examination and history with adequate histopathological examination guided into the diagnosis. The patient was initiated on Antitubercular treatment and subsequently responded well.

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A CASE OF LUPUS VULGARIS IN ALAE OF NOSE - CASE REPORT, Dr. Shibina S, Dr. Firoz A Hakkim, Dr. Giridhar B H, Dr. Girisha B S INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-3 | March-2019

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