Volume : VII, Issue : IV, April - 2018

A case control study of depression among stable COPD patients

Dr. Devendra Kumar, Dr. Santosh Kumar, Dr. Gajendra Vikram Singh, Dr. Vishal Sinha, Dr. Benhur Joel Shadrach, Dr. Rishabh Goel, Dr. Komal Lohchab, Dr. S. K. Kaushal

Abstract :

SUMMARY:COPD is a multisystem disease and has several co morbidities like heart disorders, Musculoskeletal, Metabolic, Respiratory infections and Psychiatric disorders. Not much work has been carried out regarding depression in COPD patients in India which lead to this study. We evaluated 160 patients, 39 (24.37%) patients were excluded from the study. Finally, 121 patients completed the study and 130 subjects were evaluated in the control group. The study was a hospital based prospective observational case control study. The study shows that out of 121 cases, 38 (31.4%) had depression while in the control group of 130 subjects only 18(13.85%) had depression (p=0.0013). The study shows an alarming increase in depression among stable patients of COPD. Early psychiatric evaluation and counseling will go on a long way in decreasing depression among these patients and improve their Quality of life.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Dr.Devendra Kumar, Dr. Santosh Kumar, Dr.Gajendra Vikram Singh, Dr. Vishal Sinha, Dr.Benhur Joel Shadrach, Dr. Rishabh Goel, Dr. Komal Lohchab, Dr. S.K. Kaushal, A case control study of depression among stable COPD patients, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-4 | April-2018

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