Volume : IV, Issue : I, January - 2015

A 2.5 D Prismatic Part Machining for Computer Aided Process Planning

Viswa Mohan Pedagopu, Dr. Manish Kumar

Abstract :

The geometric information from the given CAD file for a designed component, may not be able to useful directly for process planning. Different CAD or geometric modeling packages store the information related tothe design in their own databases. Then various optimized approaches are much needed to translate geometrical specification into machine cognize. The (BRep) Boundary Representation analyze the geometrical information of the part from CAD model into machining module by using a feature recognition system. In this paper a unique identification of Machining Feature discussed that is generated explicitly to extract the features from the geometrical information based on a Geometric Reasoning Approach [GRA] and Object Oriented Design [OOD] in C++. A feature recognition algorithm is used to recognize different features of the part such as step, holes, etc. Finally, a sample application as an illustrative example of 2.5D has been described and presented for demonstrative purpose along with simulation.

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Viswa Mohan Pedagopu,Dr. Manish Kumar A 2.5 D Prismatic Part Machining for Computer Aided Process Planning International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 1 January 2015

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