Volume : III, Issue : III, March - 2014
Understanding the Concept of Sensitisation in Humanities and Social Sciences : An Exploration in Philosophy of Mind
Dr. Jatinder Kumar Sharma
Abstract :
The paper seeks to use insights generated by the Philosophy of Mind –particularly Gilbert Ryle‘s exposition of human dispositions– for a better understanding of the concept of sensitisation in humanities and social sciences. Sensitisation is an important category of contemporary discourse related to the domain of humanities and social sciences. Be it the domain of gender, human rights, environmental, or queer studies, the use of term sensitisation is on the rise. In contrast to growing body of usage, efforts aimed at clarifying the concept are rather limited. Paper is a humble attempt in this direction. It is divided into three sections : Section I explores the usage of the concept of sensitisation; Section II seeks to explore Ryle‘s insights regarding the nature of mentalistic terms and their relationship with human behaviour and dispositions; Section III aims at using these insight for understanding the concept of sensitation.
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DOI : 10.36106/ijsr
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Dr. Jatinder Kumar Sharma Understanding the Concept of Sensitisation in Humanities and Social Sciences : An Exploration in Philosophy of Mind International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue.III March 2014
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Dr. Jatinder Kumar Sharma Understanding the Concept of Sensitisation in Humanities and Social Sciences : An Exploration in Philosophy of Mind International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue.III March 2014
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