Volume : I, Issue : V, October - 2012

Institutional support for Women Entrepreneurship in India

Dr. M. V. Raghavalu

Abstract :

Entrepreneurship among women has been a matter of recent concern in the country. The hidden entrepreneurial potential of women has gradually been changing with the sensitivity to their role and economic status in the society. Women are increasingly being conscious of their existence, their rights, and work situation. However, New Industrial policy of 2009–14 and other schemes which are started post and recent are helping to the poor women and women entrepreneurs in the form of generation of employment, income and to improve their social status. Definitely, the socio–economic conditions of women entrepreneurs would improve, if these schemes, programmes and policies are implemented strictly both by the Centre and the State governments and it goes a long way for the growth and development of women, women entrepreneurs and the industrial sector of the Indian economy.

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Dr. M. V. Raghavalu Institutional support for Women Entrepreneurship in India International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.I, Issue.V Oct 2012

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