Volume : IV, Issue : VI, June - 2015

Comparative Genome Analysis Using the Technique of Subtractive Hybridization

Suma Sarojini

Abstract :

 The era of genomics has provided us with a multitude of whole genome sequence data. The major task which lies ahead is to compare these genomes and find meaningful information regarding strain and species differences. This in turn can play a substantial role in the field of epidemiology and evolution. Differential gene expression analysis is very much required to study host specificity, virulence, habitat adaptation, stress response, secondary metabolite production etc. This review article is an attempt to elaborate the significance of Suppressive Subtractive Hyidization (SSH) which offers a handy solution to give preliminary information on the genes involved in these aspects. Although quite a number of sophisticated and costly techniques have been developed in this field, SSH still remains a simple and cheap method of compå genomes especially when the whole genome sequence data is not available.

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Suma Sarojini Comparative Genome Analysis Using the Technique of Subtractive Hybridization International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 6 June 2015

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