Volume : V, Issue : IV, April - 2016

Questionnaire based study of Emergency Contraception practices among Medical Doctors

Menghnani Rekha, Gupta Anju, Sharma Asha, Gupta Hemant Kumar

Abstract :

 Background: Emergency contraception (EC) is widely used to prevent unwanted pregnancy and it is largely adopted in many countries as over the counter drug to improve access. Aims: To determine and compare the correct knowledge, attitude and current use of EC among practising medical doctors in jaipur and kota in year 2012. Materials and Methods: This is a descriptive cross–sectional study of medical doctors practising in jaipur and kota. Self administered questionnaires were completed by 100 participants randomly selected in year 2012. Data collation and analysis was carried out with Microsoft Excel XP software and presented as percentages and proportions. Results: The awareness of EC was high among the doctors in Jaipur and kota. However knowledge about its use was poor. Although 98% of them were aware of emergency contraception, LNG (levonorgestrel) was the most recognized form of EC identified by 51% of the doctors. Un–protected sexual intercourse would be the commonest indication for emergency contraception as reported by 77% of the doctors, ahead of rape and missed pills by 63% and 62% of doctors. LNG (levonorgestrel) given within 72 hours and conventional OCPs were the commonest forms of EC Conclusion: Although the awareness of EC is high among the doctors in jaipur and kota, the knowledge and use of EC is low. Therefore there is a need to improve both education and attitude to use of emergency contraception among medical doctors in jaipur and kota.

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Menghnani rekha, Gupta Anju, Sharma Asha, Gupta Hemant Kumar Questionnaire based study of Emergency Contraception practices among Medical Doctors International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 5, Issue : 4 APRIL 2016

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