Volume : II, Issue : IX, September - 2013

Quality of Life of Persons with Mental Illness Staying in a Psychiatric Rehabilitation Centre and Home: A Comparative Study

Mahesh. R. Gowda, K. S. Meena, Preeti Srinivasa, Harish. B

Abstract :

Background: Institutionalization of individuals with disabilities is viewed negatively as it does not enjoy societal sanctions. Such discourse was further strengthened in India along with the de–institutionalization movement and associated developments in the west. But Young in 2004 initiated a discourse on the need to define quality of life and effects of chronic mental illness on persons. Evidence suggests that people affected by mental illness with prolonged treatment experience considerable deficits in terms of negative symptoms, cognitive impairments and inadequate social support disposing them severely disabled to function in the community. Purpose: In this study, we made an attempt to compare the quality of life of persons with mental illness living in a Psychiatric Rehabilitation Centre and in Home Care. Hence, we hypothesized that mentally ill persons with a hospitalization followed by a placement in PRC is more likely to enjoy better quality of life than those whose hospitalization is followed by care at homes. Methods: Using an explanatory research design, the quality of life data were obtained by using both quantitative and qualitative measurements such as a semi structured interviews and Lehmann’s quality of life scale. In–depth interviews were analyzed using narrative thematic analysis while descriptive statistics along with t’ test for independent samples, chi–square for associations were used for quantitative data analysis. Results: The PRC group reported the better performance on daily activities and functioning, life satisfaction, health, personal safety and global life satisfaction than those who were living in home care. Besides, qualitative analysis revealed that PRC group perceived overall life conditions as positive and had better life than those who were at homes. The home care was characterized by unstructured activities and less monitoring by the family members in terms of medications and follow–ups. Conclusion: Hospitalization followed by psychiatric home placement significantly benefits the persons with chronic mental illness since it facilitates a transition from hospitalization to community life.  

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Mahesh.R.Gowda, K.S.Meena, Preeti Srinivasa, Harish.B Quality of Life of Persons with Mental Illness Staying in a Psychiatric Rehabilitation Centre and Home: A Comparative Study International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 2, Issue : 9 September 2013

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