Volume : IV, Issue : I, January - 2015

Mutual Interdependency between Compiler and Computer Architecture: An Overview

Dr. Telkapalli Murali Krishna, Dr. Sreedhar Appalabatla

Abstract :

A compiler is a software layer that helps the high level executions that are made in a programming language to be compiled and implemented by the underlying hardware computer architecture. Though a compiler is majorly designed based on the language specification, the hardware that it is going to implement on has a significant role in the compiler design. The factors in which the compiler and the computer architecture have to agree on are: regularity, orthogonality and compensability. Any issue with these factors result in a tougher task for the compiler designer as the more perfect the compilation is and less efficient it happens to result; as it would require extensive implementations in the computer architecture. In case of platform independent languages, the task is more demanding as it has to comply with the different sets of hardware, allows the programmer to utilize the full potential of the computer architecture and at the same time make the compilation part efficient. So, making an efficient compiler involves the collaborative work of both a compiler designer and the hardware architects who built the computer architecture.

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Dr.Telkapalli Murali Krishna,Dr.Sreedhar Appalabatla Mutual Interdependency between Compiler and Computer Architecture: An Overview International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 1 January 2015

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