Volume : III, Issue : VII, July - 2014


Dravinash V Mehandale, Dr Mithun Upadhya

Abstract :

Edentulous state causes a negative impact on anatomic, aesthetic and psychological aspect of an individual. Advances in dental implants have changed the routine approach of faication of conventional complete denture for management of completely edentulous patients.Osseo-integrated dental implants significantly improved the quality of life for edentulous patients in comparison with conventional complete dentures and also overcomes the drawbacks associated with conventional complete dentures.In the recent years this protocol for placing dental implants has changed where it is encouraged to place fewer implants for immediate loading. Hence the concept of using two axially implants in theanterior region and two tilted posterior implants has been popularized as the All On four concept. The purpose of this article is to review the advantages, indications and prosthetic considerations for placing dental implants with immediate loading using the All-on-Four concept.

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DrAvinash V Mehandale, Dr Mithun upadhya All on 4 Concept in Dental Implants: Short Review International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 7 July 2014

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