Volume : II, Issue : IX, September - 2013

Peri– Operative Blood Transfusion in Infants: A Review of Recent Trends and Guidelines

Dr P T Bhatt, Dr Bindi B Palkhiwala, Dr Nikhil Shandilya, Dr Vivekkoul

Abstract :

Blood transfusion therapy for infants can be confusing due to numerous opinions,performas and clinical applications which can result in a picture that is not practical and is often misleading. Perioperative blood components are required to meet the on–going losses and maintaining cardiovascular stability to sustain adequate tissue perfusion. Infants have different physiological needs than adults and they are more prone to immune reactions from whole blood therapy therefore component therapy has over taken practise of whole blood therapy. There are specific guidelines for all the components regarding the initiation and the end point of the transfusion which are there to guide us. The anaesthesiologist must estimate how much blood to be allowed to be lost before the initiation of blood transfusion .This is estimated with respect to patient’s blood volume which is a function of age. There are certain high risk groups like congenital heart disease and disease affecting respiratory system in which target Hemoglobin or hematocrit values are different.

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Dr P T Bhatt, Dr Bindi B Palkhiwala, Dr Nikhil Shandilya, Dr VivekKoul Peri- Operative Blood Transfusion in Infants: A Review of Recent Trends and Guidelines International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 2, Issue : 9 September 2013

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