Volume : IV, Issue : V, May - 2015


Dr. Surendra U. Kamath, Dr. Amit Bharadwaj

Abstract :

 A radial nerve injury associated with a humeral shaft fracture is an important injury pattern among trauma patients.This study is to find out the incidence of radial nerve palsy and to analyze results of treatment of fracture shaft  of Humerus associated with radial nerve injury to improve outcome and avoid long–term morbidity.A total of eighty patients of fractures were  analyzed with twenty immediate and five with secondary radial nerve palsy. Out of 25 patients, 20 presented with primary radial nerve palsy.  18 patients recovered completely.The outcome of radial nerve palsy was not found to be related to age group, sex, side, mechanism of injury,  geometry of fracture, intraoperative condition of nerve, method of treatment of fracture and time of exploration of radial nerve.Our study  recommends a conservative management and a complete recovery of the nerve can be quite delayed, patience is merited before considering  tendon transfers.

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Dr. Surendra U. Kamath, Dr. Amit Bharadwaj RADIAL NERVE PALSY IN FRACTURE SHAFT OF HUMERUS International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 5 May 2015

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