Volume : IV, Issue : VI, June - 2015

The serotonin: a piece of the bone integrity puzzle?

Mara Carsote

Abstract :

 The control of bone metabolism includes various molecules including a neural control. Among them serotonin has a dual behaviour. In the ain the monoamine acts as neurotransmitter and stimulates the bone formation by interacting with leptin, adiponectine, etc for the energy control and in the periphery induces bone loss. The gut derivate serotonin arrives via platelets to the bone, and its amount is controlled but serotonin trans–memane transporters while the serotonin originating from the bone cells displays an autocrine skeleton control. The two antagonist bone effects of the 5–hydroxytriptamine are independently performed even the biochemically the molecule is the same, including signal transduction as CREB. Whether and when the bone integrity puzzle will be completely elucidated is it not known but the serotonin represents a piece in this puzzle.

Keywords :

serotonin   bone   brain  

Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Mara Carsote The Serotonin: A Piece of The Bone Integrity Puzzle? International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 6 June 2015

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