Volume : IV, Issue : IV, April - 2015

A Study of Autonomic Functions and Obesity in Postmenopausal Women

Dr. Nerella Sharvani, R. Nasar Ahamed

Abstract :

There are over 60 million postmenopausal women above 55 years in India. Obesity, physical inactivity, and altered

estrogen metabolism play an integrated role in contributing to the disease risk profile of postmenopausal women. A
study was undertaken to test the whether there is indeed an alteration in autonomic functions in obese postmenopausal women. . Subjects
were divided into two groups of 55 Non-Obese and 45 Obese. The two groups were well matched for age and menopausal duration. The physical as well as physiological parameters like valsalva ratio, heart rate variation with deep eath test, heart rate response to postural change
(30:15 R-R interval ratio), orthostatic tolerance test, and isometric handgrip test were recorded. valsalva ratio, deep eath test, and 30:15
R-R interval ratios and isometric handgrip test were significantly decreased and orthostatic tolerance values w

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Dr.N.Sharvani,R.Nasar Ahmed A Study of Autonomic Functions and Obesity in Postmenopausal Women International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 4 April 2015

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