Volume : V, Issue : II, February - 2016

Eye Diseases and Astrology

D. Sivakumar, Dr. P A Subramanian

Abstract :

<p> Medical astrology is a highly specialized anch of Vedic Astrology Medical astrology is one of the main anches of Vedic astrology. As per medical astrology, one’s health is dependent on his/her Ascendant sign, Moon sign and on placement of nine planets in the birth chart. In a birth chart we have twelve houses and each house depict the part of the human body. Also the twelve zodiac signs shows different body parts of KaalaPurusha. Planet Influence Sun Vital, tonic, warming and drying. Relates to heart function and to vital energy. Moon Collecting, diluting, cleansing, cold and moist, phlegmatic. Relates to the emotions, fluid balance and the hormones. Mercury Cold and dry. Relates to the nervous system and to nervous activity. Venus Relaxing, warm and moist. Relates to nutrient assimilation, sugar metabolism, tissue tone and lymphatic function. Mars Inflammatory, aggressive, eruptive, warm and dry, choleric. Relates to the sex drive and to oxygen metabolism. Jupiter Expansive, nourishing, warm and moist, sanguine. Relates to the blood,circulation, liver and fat metabolism and cellular nutrition. Saturn Contracting, slowing, binding, restricting, hardening, devitalising, cold and dry, melancholic.</p>

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D.Sivakumar, Dr.P A Subramanian Eye Diseases and Astrology International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 5, Issue : 2 February 2016

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