Volume : IV, Issue : V, May - 2015

Demographic Profile Of Head Injury Victims Died In Road Traffic Accidents In Urban Region Of Maharashtra.

Dr Sunil. S. Kadam

Abstract :

 Road traffic accidents are one of the major causes of death the world over, head injury being the commonest cause  of mortality in road traffic accidents. The incidence of road accidents is the highest in India as compared to other  countries. Despite improved trauma care facilities, there has been a steady rise in casualties due to road accidents in the country and their  ratio of the total deaths due to all accidents has also increased considerably in the recent past. The present study was undertaken on 404  victims of road traffic accidents succumbing to head injury ought to our postmortem centre for medicolegal autopsy. The main purpose of  our study was to find out the demographic profile of the victims involved in road traffic accidents and to provide epidemiological data in order  that suitable preventive measures can be taken.

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Dr Sunil.S.Kadam Demographic Profile Of Head Injury Victims Died In Road Traffic Accidents In Urban Region Of Maharashtra. International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 5 May 2015

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