Volume : III, Issue : IV, April - 2014

Stigma Among Children Affected by Hiv/ AiDS

Belinda Joselin Jayapaul, Dr. Albert Relton

Abstract :

The global epidemic of HIV/AIDS has accompanied by significant stigma on children affected by HIV/AIDS and their families. Studies suggest that children frequently encounter stigma and discrimination from the extended family members in particular and the community in general. Stigma can affect the quality of life of the children affected by HIV/AIDS in several ways that include anxiety, fear, depression, loneliness, negative self-image and discrimination at school and in the community. This researcher attempted to study the impact of stigma on children affected by HIV/AIDS. HIV Stigma scale (Barbara Berger 1996) was used as a tool to measure the stigma among children affected by HIV/AIDS. The study findings reveal that there is significant difference between the respondent’s districts and their perceived level of stigma.

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Belinda Joselin Jayapaul, Dr. Albert Relton Stigma Among Children Affected by Hiv/AiDS International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue. IV Apr 2014

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