Volume : VI, Issue : VII, July - 2017

Percutaneous needle tenotomy of tendoachilles;A modified approach for Ponsetti method

Chetan Pesin

Abstract :

 Background: Ponseti Method of treatment for clubfoot is the standard method. After correction of all other deformities by stretching and casting, equinus is the last deformity to be corrected and this requires a small incision using a beaver’s blade and tenotomising the tendo–achilles.  A 18 guage needle is less traumatic to tissues instead of the usual blade.

Aims and objectives: Present study was aimed at studying use of 18 guage needle for doing this procedure instead of the blade.


Results : There were 30 feet  in our study with 10 bilateral and 10 unilateral clubfeet. All children were less than 4 months of age at the beginning of the treatment. The mean pre–op pirani score was 5.5 and the mean pirani score at finishing treatment was 0.5. There was no major complication during the surgical procedure like major bleeding or a neuro–vascular injury.  The mean follow up was 6 months.  There was 1 relapse which was successfully managed by PMSTR.

Conclusion: Percutaneous TA tenotomy for clubfoot is an extremely effective procedure to treat equinus. There are no major complications if proper technique is followed.


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CHETAN PESIN, Percutaneous needle tenotomy of tendoachilles;A modified approach for Ponsetti method, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : VOLUME-6 | ISSUE-7 | JULY-2017

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