Volume : VIII, Issue : VII, July - 2019

Contrecoup Head Injury : A two–year experience.

Dr. Kaushik Roy, Dr. Debajyoti Pathak, Dr. Nakul Pahwa

Abstract :

Contrecoup head injuries can be defined as a group of focal head injuries that occur at a site opposite to the site of impact. It is predicted that the outcome of this type of injuries is worse than other focal injuries due to the transmission of the impact across the ain. At Nilratan Sircar Medical College, Kolkata, 105 patients presenting with contrecoup injuries over a period of 2 years were prospectively analyzed. Site of primary impact was determined clinically and by CT scan. Age, mode of injury, Glasgow coma scale (GCS), site and pattern of injury, and mortality were analyzed in our study. Our study supports the hypothesis that the presence of contrecoup contusions is associated with a poor prognosis across all GCS and age categories.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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CONTRECOUP HEAD INJURY : A TWO-YEAR EXPERIENCE., Dr. Kaushik Roy, Dr. Debajyoti Pathak, Dr. Nakul Pahwa INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-7 | July-2019

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