Volume : III, Issue : XI, November - 2014

Comparison of Pre and Post Interventional Pulmonary Function Tests in Patients With Mitral Valve Heart Disease–(A Study of 50 cases)

Dr. Zeeshan H. Mansuri, Dr. Bharat C. Kaji, Dr. Ekta B. Vala, Dr. Raju Talwar

Abstract :

Valvular heart disease is seen in a large number of patients in India owing to high incidence of rheumatic heart disease. Mitral valve being commonly affected. Mitral valve disease progressively leads to deterioration in the pulmonary functions. Aim of my study is to determine the state of pulmonary function in patients with symptomatic mitral valve disease and to assess the changes in the same after patients undergo operative intervention. The study included 50 patients having symptomatic mitral valve disease and their pulmonary functions were analysed using spirometry. All these patients underwent operative procedures namely Balloon Mitral Valvotomy or Mitral Valve Repair. Their pulmonary functions were assessed again after 6 months and comparative analysis was done with pre interventional status. The study revealed that all patients with symptomatic mitral valve disease had developed restrictive pattern of respiratory dysfunction and following operative intervention most of them benefitted evidently as was observed in spirometric analyses.

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Dr. Zeeshan H. Mansuri,Dr. Bharat. C. Kji,Dr. Ekta B. Vala,Dr. Raju Talwar Comparison of Pre and Post Interventional Pulmonary Function Tests in Patients With Mitral Valve Heart Disease‾(A Study of 50 cases) International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 11 November 2014

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