Volume : III, Issue : II, February - 2014

Inheritance of Morpho–Biological and Economic Traits in Breed of Reciprocal Cotton Hybrids

Abdulahad Azimov

Abstract :

: Cottons are not only a world’s leading textile fiber and oilseed crop, but also a crop that is of significance for bioengergy production. Cotton is frequently treated by highly toxic agrochemicals to prevent it from harmful insects. High-toxic agrochemicals exert very strong negative influence on ecological environment. A priority guideline of the cotton growing is the designing of new gene and selective eeding methods for inventing varieties of cotton having high resistance to diseases. In order to obtain stable high-quality yield the present study was conducted and inheritance pattern of morpho-biological and economic traits in eed of reciprocal cotton hyids were being obtained. Crosseeding was based on allotetraploid mid-staple varieties Korotkostebelniy 1 and Of Academy of Science RUz 14 with synthetic amphidiploid introgressive line IL-296 which was created with using of wild diploid species G.trilobum Skovsted. Resistance to verticillium wilt in the first and second filial hyids was also studied.

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Abdulahad Azimov Inheritance of Morpho-Biological and Economic Traits in Breed of Reciprocal Cotton Hybrids International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue.II February 2014

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