Volume : VIII, Issue : XII, December - 2019

Iatrogenic male infertility with psychotropic drugs in rats: case of haloperidol and clomipramine.

Landry Martial Miguel, Jean Alfred Mbongo, Jean De Dieu Bimangou Bia Nzambi, Etienne Mokondjimobe, Leon Herve Iloki, Ange Antoine Abena

Abstract :

Objective: To study the effects of haloperidol and clomipramine on fertility in male rats. Material and method: This is an analytical experimental study. Three lots of 5 rats were formed: distilled water lot at 0.5 ml/100g; Clomipramine lot at 2 mg/kg/day; haloperidol lot 2.5 mg/kg/day. The diferent product were daily oraly administrated during 45 days. The study variables were: testicular weights, spermogram and hormonal biomarkers (testosterone, FSH, LH). Results: On the average testicular weight (in grams): control 1.3±0.05; haloperidol 1.2±0.20; clomipramine 1.19±0.009 and on the pH: control 6.8 ±0.12; haloperidol 6.9±0.18; Clomipramine 6.8 ±0.2. There is no significant change in testicular weight and sperm pH compared to controls. Concerning the vitality, number, and morphological abnormalities of sperm cells, there are no significant changes. Vitality in % : control 55.4±3.15, haloperidol 44.9±6.20, Clomipramine 45.2±5.11 and sperm count (x106 / ml): (control 269.6±40.54, haloperidol 145.6±39.77, clomipramine 317.6±98.58). Sperm morphological abnormalities (% of normal morphology): (control 91.2; haloperidol 87.7; Clomipramine 81.8). Clomipramine caused a very significant increase (p=0.0036) in the serum concentration of FSH and LH (in IU/l) (P=0.0001): for control LH 0.46; clomipramine 3.46; for FSH: control 0.87; Clomipramine; however, there is an insignificant increase in testosterone (in ng/ml) with these two psychotropic drugs (control 1.56; haloperidol 2.66; Clomipramine 2.9). However, no significant difference of reproductive hormons were observed with haloperidol group (testosterone 2, 66; FSH 0, 72; LH 0, 26). Conclusion: Haloperidol and Clomipramine affect male fertility: Clomipramine at the peripheral level and haloperidol at the central level.

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IATROGENIC MALE INFERTILITY WITH PSYCHOTROPIC DRUGS IN RATS: CASE OF HALOPERIDOL AND CLOMIPRAMINE., Landry Martial Miguel, Jean Alfred Mbongo, Jean De Dieu Bimangou Bia-Nzambi, Etienne Mokondjimobe, Leon Herve Iloki, Ange Antoine Abena INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-12 | December-2019

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