Volume : II, Issue : V, May - 2013

The Examining Self–Esteem and Preferences of Turkish University Students in Relation to Sport and Social Activity

Dr. Korkmaz Yi Iter

Abstract :

The purpose aimed to examine the self–esteem and preferences of university students in relation to sport and social activity. The research population comprised of the English preparatory program which includes 500 students from 13 different departments of the university and all students in this program participated in the study voluntarily. No sample method was used. As data collection tools, inquiry form and Coopersmith Self–Esteem scale were used in order to determine the demographic variables and scores of self–esteem in relation to participants respectively. The findings indicated that there was no a significant statistically different between male and female (,198, p>0.05), but there was a significant statistically different between sport and social activity in preferences (,0.01, p

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Dr. Korkmaz Yiğiter The Examining Self-Esteem and Preferences of Turkish University Students in Relation to Sport and Social Activity International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.V May 2013

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