Volume : III, Issue : X, October - 2014

Quantitative assessment of SPM (Suspended particulate matter) and bacteria in urban area of Jammu (J&K, India)

Prof. Raj Kumar Rampal, Neha Sharma

Abstract :

The study was carried out in the households of urban area of Jammu. Urban area was divided into five zones. At each zone three households were selected and each household (except one room accommodation) was divided into three sub–sites i.e. Living room, Kitchen and Bedroom. Sampling was undertaken by Handy air sampler APM 821. The average indoor SPM and bacteria in the households of the urban area of Jammu during two year study period exhibited significantly higher values (p

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Prof. Raj Kumar Rampal, Neha Sharma Quantitative assessment of SPM (Suspended particulate matter) and bacteria in urban area of Jammu (J&K, India) International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 10 October 2014

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