Volume : V, Issue : II, February - 2016

Kalasarpadosha or Kalasarpayoga A Review

L. Jaya, Dr. P A Subramanian

Abstract :

<p><p><p>  In Vedic astrology, Rahu and Ketu are shadows but not general planets like other seven.But Rahu and Ketu in modern days have most influence on a person’s horoscope. Out of many combinations of rahu – ketu placements in a horoscope, all planets being within rahu – ketu and rest 7 houses being empty is said to Kalasarpa yoga or dosha.It can be a yoga or dosha based on other planets conjunct with rahu or ketu, owners of houses occupied by rahu , ketu and planets aspecting it and also position of them from lagna.This Kalasarpa yoga has more effects on country/mundane horoscopes rathen than on human horoscopes. If a country is formed under kalasarpa yoga(example : India got independence under kalasarpa yoga) , its growth is hindered by internal conflicts, terrorism, border related tensions, corruption etc. Also , whenever kalasarpa yoga occurs in any year, the world and especially such countried as above will see more tensions.</p></p></p>

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L.Jaya, Dr.P A Subramanian Kalasarpadosha or Kalasarpayoga Ãƥ¢â‚‰â‚¬Å“A Review International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 5, Issue : 2 February 2016

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