Volume : VI, Issue : III, March - 2017

A KAP study on menstrual hygiene among Adolescent girls living in Urban slums of Guwahati City

Dr Jayhsree Goswami, Dr Mintu Dewri Bharali

Abstract :

 Adolescence is period when boys and girls are kindled into a new sense of self. Faulty believes and practices pertaining to menstruation will affect health of large number of women in reproductive age. So the objective of my study is to assess the Knowledge, attitude and practices regarding menstrual hygiene among adolescents’ girls residing in urban slums of Guwahati city METHODOLOGY1: The study was a community based cross sectional study. A total of 200 adolescent girls were interviewed using pre designed pre tested schedule. RESULT: Out of the total 200 adolescents girls 35% were Hindu and 65% were Islam. About 65% are aware about menstrual process and only 17% adolescent girl use sanitary napkin. CONCLUSION: The basic awareness regarding menstrual process is sufficient but still there were many taboos associated with menstrual process.

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Dr Jayhsree Goswami, Dr Mintu Dewri Bharali, A KAP study on menstrual hygiene among Adolescent girls living in Urban slums of Guwahati City, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : VOLUME-6 | ISSUE-3 | MARCH‾2017

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