Volume : VI, Issue : III, March - 2017

Open reduction and internal fixation of 3 month old fracture middle one third clavicle nonunion with precontoured locking plate and bone grafting A Case Report

Dr. Ghaniuzzoha Asadi

Abstract :

 Clavicle fracture is a very common fracture encountered in orthopaedic practice.Traditionally it is treated conservatively and most of them unite uneventfully with minimal loss of function.But recent literature suggest increased rate of non–union and poor functional outcome with conservative management.We report a case of 3 month old middle one third clavicle fracture in a young adult with symptomatic atrophic non–union(no callus with persistent pain,decreased mobility and gross shortening) managed successfully with open reduction and rigid internal fixation with precontoured locking plate and autogenous iliac crest bone grafting.The fracture united with abundance of callus and patient achieved excellent functional recovery at 3 month.Hence we conclude primary open reduction and internal fixation of middle one third clavicle fracture with significant displacement in young patient for union and excellent functional recovery.

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Dr.Ghaniuzzoha Asadi, Open reduction and internal fixation of 3 month old fracture middle one third clavicle nonunion with precontoured locking plate and bone grafting A Case Report, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : VOLUME-6 | ISSUE-3 | MARCH‾2017

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