Volume : IV, Issue : XII, December - 2015


Dr. Sameer Mehrotra, Dr. Rakhi Dhawan, Dr. Sunil Basukala

Abstract :

During emergencies, hospitals become the only hope of security and relief for the affected community. Thus it is essential for hospitals to remain safe and physically sound as well as continue to function with whatever resources available to provide the necessary care and services to the victims of disasters. Apart from delivering life saving and critical care to the victims, hospitals need to play a proactive role by disseminating awareness among the staff and community to tackle with imminent life threatening situations by immediate first aid, taking appropriate preventive measures to deal with public health emergencies and prevention of disabilities.

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Dr. Sameer Mehrotra, Dr. Rakhi Dhawan, Dr. Sunil Basukala Role Of Hospitals in Disasters International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 12 December 2015

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