Volume : III, Issue : II, February - 2014

Association Between Levels of Satisfaction and Educational Background of Retail Customers With Regard to Phone Banking – a Bangalore Based Empirical Study

Dr. Pushpa Bhatt, E P Venkatesh

Abstract :

Phone Banking is a facility enabling customers to make use of banking services, such as oral payment instructions, account movements, raising loans etc, over the telephone at their convenience rather than by peRsonal visit. Phone banking service was possible because of implementation of Core Banking System. It is a type of banking, in which a person, who opens a bank account in a particular anch of a bank, will be a customer of the bank, rather than being a customer of a particular anch. Therefore, he can transact anywhere, at any time. The prime impact of the Core Banking System is that it facilitates banking operations like ATM\'s, Electronic fund, Transfers, Phone banking, Internet banking, Mobile banking etc. An attempt has made in this paper to study the perception of retail customers while using phone banking services with respect to Knowledge assimilation, Professional and Friendly behavior of phone banking officers. The respondents are classified as per their educational levels. The level of satisfaction is studied under three levels.

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Dr. Pushpa Bhatt, E P Venkatesh Association Between Levels of Satisfaction and Educational Background of Retail Customers With Regard to Phone Banking – a Bangalore Based Empirical Study International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue.II February 2014

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