Volume : III, Issue : IV, April - 2014

A Study on Fundamental Analysis of Indian Automobile Industry with Reference to the Selected Companies

Ms. Apurva A. Chauhan

Abstract :

Fundamental analysis is the technique for finding the value of the stock which considers economy as a whole then industry and then performance of the company for finding the value of its stock. It uses top to bottom approach for finding the value of the stock. Fundamental analysis considers various factors such as development of the economy as a whole, development in the industry, past performances of company, and future prospectus of the company for finding the value of the stock of the company. The automobile industry is one of the key drivers of economic growth of the nation. Since the delicensing of the sector in 1991, Indian automobile sector has come a long way. Today, almost every global auto major has set up their facilities in the country. This paper attempts to study the fundamental analysis of Indian automobile industry with reference to the selected companies.

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Ms. Apurva A. Chauhan A Study on Fundamental Analysis of Indian Automobile Industry with Reference to the Selected Companies International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue. IV Apr 2014

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