Volume : III, Issue : X, October - 2014


Abhishek Raj, Manoj Kumar Jhariya, Pratap Toppo

Abstract :

Cows dung is a most important source of bio–fertilizer and used in many developing countries for generating energy. It is very effective’s alternatives to chemical fertilizers by enhancing productivity in long term with maintaining the soil health and enhances the microbial population. Cowdung manure and vermicompost increases soil organic matter content, and this leads to improved water infiltration and water holding capacity as well as an increased cation exchange capacity. It is one of the renewable and sustainable energy resources through dung cakes or biogas which replace the dependence upon charcoal, fuel wood, firewood and fossil fuel etc. Beside it, application of cowdung in proper and sustainable way can enhance not only productivity of yield but also minimizing the chances bacterial and fungal pathogenic disease. Therefore, improper use of cowdung should be stopped and use as organic manure for maintaining productive and sustainable farming system.

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Abhishek Raj, Manoj Kumar Jhariya, Pratap Toppo COW DUNG FOR ECOFRIENDLY AND SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTIVE FARMING International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 10 October 2014

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