Volume : IV, Issue : IV, April - 2015


Celso Luis Levada, Huemerson Maceti, Ivan Jose Lautenschleguer

Abstract :

A black hole is a region of space whose escape velocity has a value that exceeds the speed of light, that is, black

holes are known as celestial bodies where gravity is so high that nothing can escape from within, the light and the
matter can enter, but cannot leave. Pierre Laplace and John Mitchell first suggested the concept of black hole, and since then, many scientists
have worked and formulated the basic principles of this theory. This article presents a ief historical review of the theory of black holes, from
his mathematical formulations, to the present day. The biggest challenge is to observe them and prove their existence since they do not emit
any light.

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Celso Luis Levada, Huemerson Maceti, Ivan Jose Lautenschleguer SHORT REVIEW ON BLACK HOLES International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 4 April 2015

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