Volume : IV, Issue : VI, June - 2015

Utilization of jujube berries (dry) and oranges (fresh) for the preparation of nutritious jam.

Marak Sengnolotha, Dr. Prasad Ranu

Abstract :

 Many people consume fruits in just raw form or the dried form. Apart from that it can be consumed in different ways with other flavouring ingredients spicing up the nutrient contents and taste of the fruit. Keeping this in view, the study was undertaken to introduce the utilization and popularization of jujube berries. In this study, Jams were made by incorporation of jujube powder and orange pulp. To check their acceptability, jams with different treatments T1, T2 and T3 respectively and along with control T0 were prepared. The products were organoleptically evaluated for the colour and appearance, body and texture, taste and flavour and over all acceptability using Nine point Hedonic scale. On the basis of findings, with regard to Nutritive Value, jams were rich in Vitamin C and Calcium content. Sensory evaluation outcomes of jams depict that jujube powder and orange pulp can become suitable for prepå nutritious jam.

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Marak Sengnolotha, Dr. Prasad Ranu Utilization of Jujube Berries (Dry) and Oranges (Fresh) for the Preparation of Nutritious Jam. International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 6 June 2015

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